Okay was zu lachen. Bedenklich, dass aber solche Intelligenz-Bestien von www.homeaway.com eingeladen werden, Bewertungen ihrer Ferienwohnung, die sie ueber www.homeaway.com gebucht haben, zu schreiben.
Und die Deppen aus den US und anderswo duerfen Vermieter von Ferienwohnungen, Hotels bewerten ?
Die 20 duemmsten Fragen von Touristen - kopiert von telegraph.co.uk
"Are there any lakes in the Lake District?"
"In what month is the May Day demonstration?"
"Why on earth did they build Windsor Castle on the flight path of Heathrow?"
"Can you tell me who performs at the circus in Piccadilly?"
"Why did they build so many ruined castles and abbeys in England?"
"What time do you switch the mist off?"
"Which bus do I get from the Orkney Islands to the Shetland Islands?"
"What time of night does the Loch Ness monster surface and who feeds it?"
"Are there supermarkets in Sydney and is milk available all year round?"
"Which direction is North in Australia?"
"Was this man-made?"
Asked a tourist at the Grand Canyon National Park
"How much of the caves is underground?"
"Do you know of any undiscovered ruins?"