Montag, 29. Dezember 2008

Vermieter zahlen fuer etc und werden erpresst

From: bfrancisdesign
To: vacation_rentals@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 12:47 pm

Subject: [vacation_rentals] Can I sue a guest for slander for posting an erroneous review on HomeAway?

Does anyone know if "reviews" are exempt from lawsuits? My guest told me ahead of time that unless I overlooked the damage he did, and returned his security deposit, he would do everything he could to damage my reputation. He posted on HomeAway that there is no beach access from my Guesthouse. I replied to it, but the damage is done! I know I should drop it, but I am so tempted to go to small claims court and sue him for slander that has affected my business, INTERNATIONALLY! His intention was to damage me.

My inquiries from HomeAway have stopped! ~~Betty

Mieter muessen sich gegen Bewertungen auf vor Gericht verteidigen

Seems like you could: claims that spring to mind include slander,
libel (since it's printed), disparagement, and intentional
interference with business opportunity. Suggestions:
- call your local bar association and seek a consultation with a
business lawyer. First consultation should always be free.
- report it to Homeaway with documentation of his threat, the facts
(i.e., that you do have beach access), and a request that they remove
the remark immediately (and consider barring him for filing false
- send a letter to him requesting him to post a retraction (no
later than _____, 2008) and pay you your damages (can you document
any lost business? perhaps compare your rate of inquiries for the
month leading up to his post with the month following it? likewise,
compare your Homeaway results with those on other sites (i.e., those
where his damaging remarks are not immediately accessible by customers))
- if he fails to correct his slander, sue him in small claims court
requesting an order requiring him to post a retraction, as well as an
award of damages (lost business).

Hope that helps. How unpleasant! (Mandatory legal disclaimers: I'm
trained as a lawyer but haven't done litigation for years; this
advice is worth exactly what you're paying for it :) ; and, in any
case, I'm not *your* lawyer.)

Good luck!

Noe Place Like Home

Ferienwohnung-Besitzer - Opfer von "Bewertung"

Lesen Sie bitte weitere english Postings auf www.vacation_rentals@ yahoogroups. com,

Rick Bennett

I have contacted regarding a negative posting form a
customer of ours also! The did not like the decorating in our condo,
yet is was put together by a highly regarded interior decorater in
Corpus Christi. It even had an article written on it in the local
newspaper. This customer did not like the pictures, and really blasted
us on this alone. I informaed that this opens the door for
us to reserve our competitors

Ferienwohnung Vermieter wird durch "Bewertungen" erpresst

Hi Betty,

I sympathize totally with your situation. A couple of months back I had
someone who had not stayed in my place write a negative review about their
"experience" . Long story short, I had a heck of a time getting and to remove it.

I cancelled all my ads with them. Vermieter muessen sich rechtfertigen - und zahlen

Interesante Postings von Ferienwohnung Vermietern auf


My experience is that ( and ) does not tie the review to a reservation. I had a
neg. review that was going to be posted by HA for dates that the house was NOT
rented. The review ultimately was not posted but only because it dealt with
'unpleasant interaction" the guest allegedly had with me and not on the house
When the "interaction" supposedly took place I was 120 miles away in a
dentist's chair having surgery.

One other neg. review was not posted but only after I copied HA with the
Court judgment in my favor for $1800 for the damages the tenants did.


Sonntag, 21. Dezember 2008 - Erfahrungen mit Touristen

Im "Spiegel" darf ein Ex-Kanzler, der sich der Russen-Mafia verdingt hat, schreiben. Hatten die Deutschen Hitler verhaftet und vor Gericht gestellt ? Haetten Sie sich selber von der NSDAP befreit ?

Und die Population mietet jetzt unsere Ferienwohnungen. Vor 3 Wochen kaufte und installierte mein Mitarbeiter einen neuen WC-Sitz - jetzt ist er wieder kaputt.

Sie wollen Ihre Immobilie als Ferienwohnung vermieten ? Machen Sie das nur, wenn Sie bereit sind, selbst WC-Sitze alle paar Monate ( und alle anderen Einrichtungen auch ) auszuwechseln.

Ist natuerlich immer Ihre Schuld wenn die Leute beim Sch...... nicht mal ruhig sitzen koennen. - Mieter immer unzufrieden

Wir dachten, ueber Weihnachten ist Ruhe....

Ein Mieter ist in einer Ferienwohnungen vor 10 Tagen eingezogen, bei Einzug unterschrieb er, alles sei okay. Auch riefen wir am 1 Tag an, und fragten, ob alles roger ist. Ja,ja, sagte der Mieter, der fuer DREI Gaeste gemietet hat.

Nun kam ein Familienmitglied dazu - und dieser ist unzufrieden. Warum es nur 1 Schluessel gibt ( Antwort: Weil Mieter so dumm sind, dass man ihnen gar nicht irgend etwas geben duerfte )

Also zu dritt gemietet und Miete bezahlt, aber zu viert bei mir wohnen. Und der Vierte ist dann unzufrieden und darf, obwohl er nicht bezahlt hat, bei mir gar nicht wohnen duerfte, mich bewerten ? !!! hatte uebrigens einen erheblichen Einbruch der Besucherzahlen, sehen Sie selber bei und mit der Einladung zu "Bewertungen" haben Sie sicher viele Vermieter verloren.